NIBM MBA Solved Assignments Latest

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Send your semester & Specialization name to our mail id :
call us at : 08263069601

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Assignments of Continuing Education Scheme
Semester – III
Total Marks :100
1. Students are requested to go through the instructions carefully.
2. The Assignment is a part of the internal assessment.
3. Marks will be awarded for each Assignment, which will be added to the total marks. Assignments carry equal marks.
4. Assignments should submit in your ‘portal’ on/before the ‘completion date’ mentioned.

1. Management Research
Describe the objectives of Monitoring Research.
2. Quality Systems Management
Explain the types of Benchmarking. What are the ground rules for exchanging information between benchmarking partners?
3. Business Environment
Explain Business Environment with emphasis on Internal and External Environments with suitable illustrations.
4. Quantitative techniques for Business Analysis
Give an account of rules to be followed for collection of data? Give examples.
5. Managerial Economics
What are the factors which constitute an Economic environment of a country? Explain.
6. Service Marketing
Describe the three levels of Marketing Strategy.

Dear students get fully solved assignments
Send your semester & Specialization name to our mail id :
call us at : 08263069601

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