Business Environment – XIBMS Latest solved assignments

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Xaviers Institute of Business Management Studies

Business Environment

Note: Attempt any five questions (question no. 1. is compulsory)

Question. 1. Attempt any four of the following questions:

Question. (a) Explain the relevance of ecological issues to business environment.

Answer: Ecological/environmental issues have a large impact on businesses for a number of reasons. Costs and public relations are affected areas of note. While our changing environment may not affect all businesses directly and immediately in a monetary way, it will affect all businesses indirectly over time. Let’s take the example of climate change. Climate change is going to be a game-changer for business, and in some instances already is. Businesses located in many coastal areas will have to increase their insurance coverage, if that is possible, or will have to

Question. (b) Analyze the social responsibility of business towards employees.

Answer: Employees provide human resources to the organization. They are very important to the company. Therefore, the responsibilities of a business organization towards the employees should be fulfilled in proper manner because this will give a greater productivity to the organization. We have explained the responsibilities of a business organization towards employees in brief as follows:-

Question. (c) State the basic objectives of regulating business.

Answer: Reasons for regulating business activity Regulation means providing rules and frameworks for business and other activity.Some aspects of business activity are self-regulating – for example the Advertising Standards Authority provides a voluntary code of practice for the regulation of

Question. (d) Describe the basic instruments of fiscal policy in lndia

Answer: Some of the major instruments of fiscal policy are as follows:

A. Budget

B. Taxation

C. Public Expenditure

D. Public Works E. Public Debt.

A. Budget: The budget of a nation is a

Question. (e) State various measures for the prevention and settlement of the industrial disputes.


Question. (f) Explain the thrust areas of the new economic policy.

Question. 2. Discuss how does the environment acts as a stimulant to business.Analyse why business often does little for physical environment preservation despite the fact that it is significant for business activity.

Answer: The environment is everything we depend on. Whether it be the trees that give us oxygen, the land we live upon and the rivers that provide us with water. The environment is crucial for the society and businesses together. We all have a responsibility to conserve and protect the environment. And whether it be governments, businesses, consumers, workers or other members of society, each

Question. 3. Analyze the fourfold role of the government in business. Also explain in what respects the role of government has been redefined in lndia during the 1990s.

Answer: President Coolidge once said the chief business of the American people is business. Indeed, the private sector is the country’s chief economic force, but it needs government regulation. The U.S. government’s role in business is as old as the country itself; the Constitution gives the government

Question. 4. “The Industrial Policy of 1991 makes a clear departure from the Industrial Policy of 1956” Comment.

Answer: . International investment or capital flows fall into four principal categories: commercial loans, official flows, foreign direct investment (FDI), and foreign portfolio investment (FPI).

Commercial loans, which primarily

Question. 5. Discuss the various forms of foreign capital flows. Do you think entering o{ MNC’s in less developed countries is risky ?

Question. 6. Describe the recent export promotion measures of the Government of India.

Answer: Some of the export promotion measures are listed below.

Duty Free Replenishment Certificate (DFRC):

DFRC is issued to a merchant exporter or manufacturer exporter for the duty free import of inputs such as raw materials,

Question. 7. Write short notes on any two of the following:

(a) Political and legal environment of business

(b) Nehru – Mahalanobis strategy of development

(c) Financial reforms in India

(d) Merits of globalisation from the point of view of India’s s economic development.

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