Dear students, get fully  solved assignments by professionals Do send your query at : or call us at :08263069601 BCA 4TH SEMESTER MCS-024 ASSIGNMENT SOLUTION (2020-21) Q1. a) What is Object Oriented Programming (OOP)? Explain its advantages. Also describe concept of data hiding in OOP. Answer : – Object-Oriented ProgrammingView full assignment

Dear students, get fully  solved assignments by professionals Do send your query at : or call us at :08263069601 BCSL-043 ASSIGNMENT SOLUTION (2020-21) Q1. a) Write java program to find simple interest on a Saving Account. Define appropriate class, constructor and methods in your program. Make necessary assumptions. AnswerView full assignment

Dear students, get fully  solved assignments by professionals Do send your query at : or call us at :08263069601 MCS-023 ASSIGNMENT SOLUTION (2020-21) Q1. Study online banking system requirements and design an ER diagram for an Online Banking System. List and write the entities, corresponding attributes, relationships and cardinality.View full assignment

Dear students, get fully  solved assignments by professionals Do send your query at : or call us at :08263069601 BCSL-034 ASSIGNMENT SOLUTION (2020-21) Q1. A Hostel Management System for a University requires a computerized system to automize its operations that support the following activities : Registration for UG/PG studentsView full assignment

Dear students, get fully  solved assignments by professionals Do send your query at : or call us at :08263069601 BCS-031 ASSIGNMENT SOLUTION (2020-21) Q1. a) What is Object Oriented Programming? Explain concept of Object, Class and Inheritance with example of each. Answer : – Object-Oriented Programming is a methodology orView full assignment

Dear students, get fully  solved assignments by professionals Do send your query at : or call us at :08263069601 MCS-011 ASSIGNMENT SOLUTION (2020-21) Write an algorithm, draw a corresponding flowchart and write an interactive program to convert a decimal number to its hexadecimal equivalent. Answer : – Algorithm InputView full assignment

Dear students, get fully  solved assignments by professionals Do send your query at : or call us at :08263069601 M.A (Gender and Development Studies) Assignments for Students admitted in July 2020 and January 2021 Sessions MGS-001: Gender and Development: Concepts, Approaches and Strategies MGS-002: Gender, Development Goals and PraxisView full assignment

Dear students, get fully  solved assignments by professionals Do send your query at : or call us at :08263069601 Management Programme ASSIGNMENT FIRST SEMESTER  (January to June) 2020 MS – 54: Management Information Systems  ASSIGNMENT Course Code  :        MS-54 Course Title  :   Management Information Systems  Assignment CodeView full assignment