NIBM – Management information System

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Management information System

Attend any 4 questions.  Each question carries 25 marks

(Each answer should be of minimum 2 pages / of 300 words)

Question.1.         Why  MIS is an excellent tool to provide management information at all stages of decision-making, thus, greatly helping an organisation to achieve its set of goals and objectives? Explain.

Answer:The MIS is an idea which is associated with man, machine, marketing and methods for collecting information’s from the internal and external source and processing this information for the purpose of facilitating the process of decision-making of the business.

MIS is not new, only the computerization is new , before computers MIS techniques existed to supply managers with the information that would permit them to plan and control business operations. The computer has added on more dimensions such as speed, accuracy and increased volume of data that permit the consideration of more alternatives in decision-making process.

Question.2.         Discuss the models used for MIS development.

Answer:In MIS, the information is recognized as a major resource like capital and time. If this resource has to be managed well, it calls upon the management to plan for it and control it, so that the information becomes a vital resource for the system.

  • The management information system needs good planning.
  • This system should deal with the management information not with data processing alone.
  • It should provide support for the management planning, decision-making and action.
  • It should provide support to the changing

Question.3.         Explain the role of MIS in an organisation for planning and decision making.

Answer:The role of the MIS in an organization can be compared to the role of heart in the body. The information is the blood and MIS is the heart. In the body the heart plays the role of supplying pure blood to all the elements of the body including the brain. The heart work faster and supplies more blood when needed. It regulates and controls the incoming impure blood, processed it and sends it to the destination in the quantity needed. It fulfills the needs of blood supply to human body in normal course and also in crisis.

Question.4.         Describe the methods used in implementing MIS.

Answer:Implementation of a system is as much important as the creation of it. Implementation can easily destroy the good work done in the earlier phases and bring the system to a standstill. Implementation requires technical and managerial skills as the implementers work as change agents. Implementation is also a process that has a series of sequential steps which culminates in making operational the new system.

Implementation as an activity has to be carefully managed. It requires client interaction at every stage. The implementers need the full support and

Question.5.         Explain the essential characteristics of decision Support System(DSS).


Question.6.         Explain the constituents of information needs in the context of marketing.


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