Dear students get fully solved assignments
Send your semester & Specialization name to our mail id :
call us at : 08263069601
National Institute of Business Management
Ist Floor, Swathandrya Samara Smrithi Bhavan, Nandavanam Road
Palayam P.O. Trivandrum – 695 033
0471- 4014294, 4014298
Assignments of One Year Executive MBA
Semester – II
- Students are requested to go through the instructions carefully.
- The Assignment is a part of the internal assessment.
- Marks will be awarded for each Assignment, which will be added to the total marks. Assignments carry equal marks.
- Assignments should submit in your ‘portal’ on/before the ‘completion date’ mentioned.
- Case study project is based on the elective subject selected.
Please submit your case study also in the portal on the ‘completion date’ of second semester assignments.
Assignments Total Marks :100
International Law
Question: What are the principles of International Law. Explain.
Answer : International law is the set of rules, agreements and treaties that are binding between countries. When sovereign states enter into agreements that are binding and enforceable, it’s called international law. Countries come together to make binding rules that they believe benefit their citizens. International laws promote peace, justice, common interests and trade.
International laws apply to governments. It’s up to each state government to implement and follow international laws. A country’s laws apply to citizens and other people that are present in the country. However, it’s up to the country’s governing authority to apply international law and keep their agreements with the other countries that are involved.
Dear students get fully solved assignments
Send your semester & Specialization name to our mail id :
call us at : 08263069601