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BK ID | B1003 |
MAX. MARKS | 60 |
1 How to alter databases and tables? Explain with the help of examples.
Answer: MySQL ALTER command is very useful when you want to change a name of your table, any table field or if you want to add or delete an existing column in a table.
Let’s begin with creation of a table called testalter_tbl.
Q.2 (a) Explain insert statement with example.
Answer: The INSERT statement lets you add one or more rows to a table or view in a SQL Server database. The statement is one of the primary data modification language (DML) statements available in Transact-SQL, along with UPDATE, MERGE, and DELETE. You can use the INSERT statement to add data that you specifically define, or you can add data that you retrieve from other tables or views. You can also include an OUTPUT clause in your INSERT
(b) Exercise: Create table CUSTOMERS with fields – ID, name, age, address and salary and insert records in the table (insert at least five records.)
Answer: The SQL INSERT INTO Statement is used to add new rows of data to a table in the database.
Syntax: There are two basic syntaxes of INSERT INTO
3 Explain update and replace statements with example.
Answer: In SQL, a view is a virtual table based on the result-set of an SQL statement.
A view contains rows and columns, just like a real table. The fields in a view are fields from one or more real tables in the database.
We cab add SQL functions, WHERE, and JOIN statements to a
4 Explain all the date and time functions in detail.
Answer: There is exclusive fields type to store Date and Date –Time in mysql or in other databases. As we know in any script date plays important role and we need to do many calculation and formatting to handle the date issues. It can be a simple Library book issue management to a customer compliant handling, these date fields are important for handling related data in a table.
MySQL have several date & time related functions to use in different situations and requirements. We will discuss some of the important functions here and use them for developing some sample codes.
- date_add to add date & time to field data:We
5 Define grant tables. Describe the steps to set up MySQL user accounts. Also explain the method to assign passwords to the anonymous accounts.
Answer: One of the most powerful aspects of the MySQL server is the amazing amount of control the administrator has over each user’s intended behavior. This control can restrict user privileges over a general part of the server, such as limited access to an entire database, but can also be as specific as limiting privileges for a specific table or
6 Briefly describe the error log and general query log.
Answer: A web developer need to refer to various log files, in order to debug your application or improve its performance. Logs is the best place to start troubleshooting. Concerning the famous MySQL database server (or MariaDB server), you need to
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