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TOTAL: 100 Marks (30%)
INSTRUCTION: Answer any TWO (2) questions. You may source ideas for your answers from company websites, text books, journals, newspapers, expert reviews, internet sources, interviews with company officials, periodicals etc. Please correctly acknowledge your sources using the APA referencing system.
Question 1
- i) Explain the nature of international trade and global business.
Ans:- I) Nature of international trade and global business:-
International trade is the exchange of goodsand services between countries. This type of trade gives rise to a world economy, in which prices, or supply and demand, affect and are affected by global events.
Trading globally gives consumers and countries the opportunity to be exposed to goods and services not available in their own countries.
- ii) Discuss the extent of internalization of business in Asia.
ANSWER: Extent of internalization of business in Asia:- Asia, home to over half the world’s population, produces less than 25 percent of the world’s GDP. Asia is unique in that it is a source of both high- and low-quality products and of both expensive and inexpensive labor. Further, the region attracts MNC investments, and is a major supplier of
iii) Describe the various global market places and business centres.
ANSWER: Various global market places and business centres are:-
THE MARKETPLACES OF NORTH AMERICA:- The United States, Canada, Mexico, Greenland, the nations of Central America, and the various island nations of the Caribbean make up North America.
The United States
The United States is the world’s largest economy. It accounts for 24 percent of the world’s $58.2 trillion GDP (as of 2009). It has the highest per capita income in North America.
- International trade, although growing in recent years, is
- iv) Critically discuss the implications of Section (i), (iii) and (iii) on the management of your organizations.
Answer: Critical reflection in a project means interpreting experiences and data to create new insights and agreement on actions. Without critical reflection, your M&E data will not help you to manage for impact. Active discussion during team meetings and in meetings with primary stakeholders are vital if M&E information is to be shared, analysed and
Question 3
- i) Explain the economics of foreign exchange.
Answer: The foreign exchange rate is the price of one currency in terms of another. Because the foreign exchange rate compares the currencies of 2 countries, the rate depends on the value of each currency and, thus, on the economies of both countries. There are 3 primary economic factors that affect the foreign exchange rate:
- The relative purchasing power of each currency;
- ii) Describe the structure of foreign exchange markets.
Answer: The major participants in the foreign exchange markets are commercial banks;
- Foreign exchange brokers and other authorized dealers, and the monetary authorities.
- It is necessary to understand that the commercial banks operate at retail level for individual exporters and corporations as well as at
iii) Describe international capital markets.
Answer: A capital markets is basically a system in which people, companies, and governments with an excess of funds transfer those funds to people, companies, and governments that have a shortage of funds. This transfer mechanism provides an efficient way for those who wish to borrow or invest money to do so. For example, every time someone takes out a loan to buy a car or a house, they are accessing the capital markets. Capital markets carry out the desirable economic function of directing capital to productive uses.
- iv) Discuss the implications of Sections (i), (ii), and (iii) on the management of your organization.
Answer: In a larger organization, or in one where the director simply can’t handle everything herself, there are creative ways to ensure that everything necessary is accomplished.
The work of the organization
Each day, whether your organization runs programs, provides services, or pursues advocacy, you have to make sure that the right people are in the
TOTAL: 100 Marks (30%)
Question 2
- i) Discuss the challenges of International Strategic Management.
Answer: International management consists of building an effective strategy, structuring an appropriate organizational design and managing people in a cross-cultural environment. Throughout these activities, companies must handle bureaucratic, technical, political, economic, linguistic, behavioral and cultural differences. Even if a small business does not
- ii) Explain the components and levels of International Strategy.
Answer: There are mainly three levels of international strategy. They are
- Corporate Strategy
- Business Strategy
- Functional Strategies
Short description of these three are given bellow,
- Corporate Strategy: Corporate strategy
iii) Describe the benefits and of pitfalls of Strategic Alliances.
Answer: A strategic alliance in business is a business relationship between two or more businesses that enables each to achieve certain strategic objectives neither would be able to achieve on their own. The strategic partners maintain their status as independent and separate entities, share the benefits and control over the partnership, and continue to make contributions to the alliance until it is terminated. Strategic alliances are often formed in the
- iv) Explain the ways of implementing strategic alliances.
Answer: The Strategic Alliance Process involves planning, implementation and evaluation. An alliance has a five-stage “life cycle,” and a structured methodology is applied to preparation and negotiations at each stage.
- v) Discuss the implications of section (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) on the management of your organizations.
Answer: In a larger organization, or in one where the director simply can’t handle everything herself, there are creative ways to ensure that everything necessary is accomplished.
The work of the organization
Each day, whether your organization runs programs, provides services, or pursues advocacy, you have to make sure that the right people are in the
Question 3
- i) Explain the characteristics and elements of culture.
Answer: Seven Elements of culture are
- Creates social structure by organizing its members into small units to meet basic needs.
- Family Patterns: family is the most important unit of social organization. Through the family children learn how they are expected to
- ii) Describe the dimensions of culture.
Answer: Often this goes well, and the cultural differences are interesting and enriching. However, sometimes things go wrong, for reasons that we may not understand.
- Universalism versus particularism.
- Individualism versus communitarianism.
- Specific versus diffuse.
iii) Discuss how cultural differences impact on International Management.
Answer: Right across industry, the attitude of senior management to their corporate affairs is evolvingin response to the globalisation of business, the spread of information technologies, thegrowth of shareholder activism and increased intrusiveness of international and nationalgovernments in key areas of business management.
- iv) Discuss the implication of section (i), (ii), and (iii) on the management of your organizations.
Answer: In a larger organization, or in one where the director simply can’t handle everything herself, there are creative ways to ensure that everything necessary is accomplished.
The work of the organization
Each day, whether your organization runs programs, provides services, or pursues advocacy, you have to make sure that the right people are in the right places at the right times to do the work of the organization. In addition, someone has to carry out the everyday procedures (record keeping, attention to how well particular techniques are working, etc.)
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