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BK ID B1662


Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.

  1. 1. Write Short notes on
  • Obstacles for driving change in category management process
  • Product category life cycle
  • Stakeholder mapping
  • Request for Information



Obstacles for driving change in category management process: Driving change: A high-quality strategic purchasing deals more with change and its management than anything else. You can add a great value to the organisation when you create good sourcing strategy for an area of expenditure. The sourcing strategy that you develop becomes worthless if you are unable to implement it effectively. The strategic purchasing also needs the support, assistance and active participation of different parts of the organisation.

  1. 2. Explain opportunity analysis. Explanation should include:
  • Use of opportunity analysis
  • How it is carried out?
  • Benefits
  • Disadvantage
  • Example
  • Alternative form of opportunity analysis

Answer: Opportunity analysis is performed to identify the categories on priority that will be tackled before the process begins. It can be considered as a tool to identify the priorities. Opportunity analysis tool is used during the course of the project to evaluate the opportunities. The opportunity analysis is required at this stage to analyse the opportunities that are not clear or was not fully tested before beginning the project. A well-structured category management programme involves multiple categories and category teams. These categories and teams are

  1. 3. Wal-Mart redefines sourcing strategy.
  • Reason why Wal-Mart redefined its strategy
  • Description the strategy
  • Benefits
  • Evaluation of Wal-Mart’s strategy
  • Conclusion

Answer: Reason why Wal-Mart redefined its strategy

Wal-Mart redefined its strategies to reduce costs of goods, accelerate speed to market, and improve the quality of its products. The new global sourcing strategy involves the creation of Global Merchandising Centers, a change in leadership and structure, and a strategic alliance with Li & Fung, a global sourcing organisation. This new structure is expected to leverage the company’s global scale. In the very short-term, it is likely the feature will prove more symbolic


  1. 4. List and describe the different activities in relation with logistics in purchasing

Listing of activities Brief description of activities including purpose of each activity

  • Customer service
  • Demand forecasting
  • Order processing
  • Warehousing and distribution center management
  • Purchasing


Answer: Customer service: Each and every medium and large sized organization that has connection with customers in some way or the other, supports a Customer service center, which is also referred to as support center. The main purpose of such service centers is to assist and benefit the clients as much as they can, so that they can retain the client with them for future, while solving all his queries at the same time in every possible way. The true meaning of “

  1. 5. Measures Taken to Improve Lessons Learnt Review (LLR) in ABC Company

Description of the main problem

What was the main problem faced by ABC? How did ABC tackle its problems? Description of the main problem, Analysis of ABC’s tackling of the problem. 8(2 marks each) 2, 8

  • description of how ABC correctly identified the solution to main problem
  • illustrate how the problem was repeated despite the solution
  • summarization of the final solution
  • conclude with results

Answer: Description of the main problem: The main problem of the company was that the LLRs that were created were not shared with the employees of the organisation properly. As a result of this, most of the employees were not aware of the mistakes and the new updates. The management of ABC deployed a team to check whether the LLR was shared



  1. 6. Explain any seven steps used for purchasing process sourcing strategy process.

Brief explanation of the following Profile the category Supply market analysis Develop the strategy Select the supplier process Negotiate and select the suppliers Implement and integrate in purchasing process Benchmarking and tracking results

Answer: Step 1 Profile the category: Understand everything about the spend category as the first step in the strategic sourcing process. This means defining the category and commodities in it. What is the current quantity used, types and sizes. Who are the users, where are they located, what are the processes used and who else is involved in the supply chain. Data must be documented in as much detail as possible as changes may be needed.

Step 2 Supply market analysis: Identify potential new

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