PM0017 –Project Quality Management

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(Spring/Feb 2013)

Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 4

“Project Management” Specialization

PM 0017 –Project Quality Management (4 credits)

(Book ID: B1346)


Marks 60

Note: Assignment Set -1 must be written within 6-8 pages. Answer all questions.


Q1. Analyse project organisational structure. 10 marks(300-400) words

Answer : Organisational Structure Projects


E-Business in a UK clearing Bank

The re-organisation of this national clearing bank into centres of excellence (e.g. call centres, service centres) had been intended to provide a nationwide service. An unexpected consequence was the fracturing of the integrated service previously received through the branch network. An in-depth analysis of the organisational structure of the


Q2. Explain the Wheel of Quality model.10 marks(300-400) words

Answer : What is TQM?


Total Quality Management (TQM) is a structured system for meeting and exceeding customer needs and expectations by creating organization-wide participation in the planning and implementation of improvement (continuous and breakthrough) processes.



Q3. Analyse the project approaches for capability development.10 marks(300-400) words

Answer : Project Management Capability Development


As businesses strive to increase rate of return on continually decreasing investment, building a project management capability has become critical. Unfortunately, standard or off-the-shelf training packages often fail to deliver the anticipated benefits.


Turn to our Project Management Capability


Q4. Explain Five Elements of the Six Sigma Framework.10 marks(300-400) words

Answer : Six Sigma is a quality control and management methodology and approach. As a business owner or manager if you are considering implementing some kind of quality management tools you are going to run across Six Sigma in your research, but rather than just dismiss Six Sigma as another complicated method you should take



Q5. Analyse the stages of cost reduction.10 marks(300-400) words

Answer : Three stages of cost reduction

Transforming Government

Like corporate, public bodies should manage cost reduction work in three distinct phases. Deloitte Director, Joel Bellman, discusses these phases.


1. Efficiency




Q6. Explain the key elements in a supply chain.10 marks(300-400) words

Answer : Supply chain management is often a tactical pursuit, managing challenges and opportunities on a transactional basis, rather than holistically and strategically. This less than strategic approach is driven by both internal and external influences that divert attention from a holistic perspective, in turn directing focus on distinct or unique issues, challenges, and concerns. Falling into this tactical melee not only

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