OM0018 – Technology Management



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(Spring/Feb 2013)

Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 4

“Operations Management” Specialization

OM 0018 – Technology Management (4 credits)

(Book ID: B1326)


Marks 60

Note: Assignment Set -1 must be written within 6-8 pages. Answer all questions.

Q1. Explain the different Technology Forecasting Methods. Explain briefly about Managing technology10 marks(300-400) words

Answer : Methods of technology forecasting

Commonly adopted methods of technology forecasting include the Delphi method, forecast by analogy, growth curves and extrapolation. Normative


Q2. Briefly explain diffusion and growth of technology 10 marks(300-400) words

Answer : Technology diffusion involves the dissemination of technical information and know-how and the subsequent adoption of new technologies and techniques by users. In this context, technology includes “hard” technologies (such as computer-controlled machine tools) and “soft” technologies. Diffused technologies can be embodied in products and processes. Although classic models of technological development suggest a straightforward linear path from basic research and development to technology commercialization and adoption, in practice technology diffusion is more often a complex and iterative



Q3. Explain the eight phases of the process of technological innovation 10 marks(300-400) words

Answer : With the growing popularity of innovation initiatives, ever more companies are launching their own actions. However, many are going forward in a piecemeal fashion, running a brainstorming event here, trying out an ideas campaign there and promoting innovation in vague ways in marketing communications. Such an approach works, somewhat, but it is not ideal.

The best approach is to have a comprehensive innovation



Q4. Explain the suggested measures in Indian experience in the technology absorption efforts.10 marks(300-400) words



It is the process under which the various features of the technology which is the subject of transfer are suitably modified, changed or altered keeping in the view the needs of the buyer. In other words, the needs of the buyer of technology get crystallized and the supplier makes suitable modifications in the technology being supplied so



Q5. Discuss the different fields, where artificial intelligence techniques have been applied.10 marks(300-400) words

Answer : Artificial intelligence has been used in a wide range of fields including medical diagnosis, stock trading, robot control, law, scientific discovery and toys. However, many AI applications are not perceived as AI: “A lot of cutting edge AI has filtered into general applications, often without being called AI because once something becomes useful enough and common enough it’s not labelled AI anymore,” Nick Bistro reports.



Q6. Explain the models of technology transfer and their uses.10 marks(300-400) words

Answer : Technology transfer implies the movement of physical structure, knowledge, skills, organization, values, and capital from the site of generation to the receiving site (Middleman & Pasha, 1997). The invisible aspects of technology, such as knowledge, skills, and organization, might be much more critical than the physical aspects for the successful transfer of technology. The case of the “Green Revolution” in India shows that technology is a form of knowledge created by humans, and knowledge transfer occurs as the




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