Business Communication – XIBMS Solved assignments 2024 Latest

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Xaviers Institute of Business Management Studies



SUB:  Business Communication


  1. B. : 1)        Attempt any Four Case studies

                                                2)        All case studies carry equal marks.





No: 1

It is true that small remittances have been forwarded from time to time, but the debit balance against you has been steadily increasing during the past twelve months until it now stands at the considerable total of Rs. 85,000/-


Having regard to the many years during which you have been a customer of this house and the, generally speaking, satisfactory character of your account, we are reluctant to resort to harsh measures.


We must, however, insist that the existing balance should be cleared off by regular installments of say Rs. 10,000/- per month, the first installment to reach us by the 7th.  In the meantime




Dear Sir,


Your letter of the 23rd, with a cheque for Rs. 25,000/- on account, is to hand.

We note what you say as to the difficulty you experience in collecting your outstanding accounts, but we are compelled to remark that we do not think you are treating us with the consideration we have a right to expect.


you shall pay cash for all further goods; we are allowing you an extra 3% discount in lieu of credit.


We shall be glad to hear from you about this arrangement, as otherwise we shall have no alternative but definitely to close your account and place the matter in other hands.

Yours truly,






Question.1. Comment on the Appropriateness of the Sender’s Tone to a Customer


Answer:  The tone of the original reply is quite formal and somewhat stern. It acknowledges the receipt of the payment but also emphasizes dissatisfaction with the customer’s handling of their account. The




Question. 2. Point Out the Old-Fashioned Phrases and Expressions


Answer:  The following phrases in the reply are considered old-fashioned:

  • “Your letter of the 23rd” – Instead, you might use a more specific or date-oriented reference.
  • “Cheque for Rs. 25,000/- on account” – Simply stating “payment” or “amount” is more modern.
  • “We are compelled to




Question. 3. Rewrite the Reply According to the Principles of Effective Writing in Business


Answer:   Subject: Payment Terms and Account Status


Dear [Customer’s Name],


Thank you for your recent payment of Rs. 25,000. We understand that collecting outstanding accounts can be challenging, and we appreciate your effort to address your balance.


However, to


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  1. 2 WAVE

(ATV : Advertising Radio FM Brand)


A young, gorgeous woman is standing in front of her apartment window dancing to the 1970s tune, “All Right Now” by the one – hit band free.  Across the street a young man looks out of his apartment window and notices her.  He moves closer to the window, taking interest.  She cranks up the volume and continues dancing, looking out the window at the fellow, who smiles hopefully and waves meekly.  He holds up a bottle of wine and waves it, apparently inviting her over for a drink.  The lady waves back.  He kisses the bottle and excitedly says, “Yesss.”  Then, he gazes around his apartment and realizes that it is a mess. “No !” he exclaims in a worried tone of voice.  Frantically, he does his best to quickly clean up the place, stuffing papers under the sofa and putting old food back in the refrigerator, He slips on a black shirt, slicks  back his hair, sniffs his armpit, and lets out an excited , “Yeahhh!” in eager anticipation of entertaining the young lady.  He goes back to the window and sees the woman still dancing away.  He points to his watch, as if to say “ Come on.  It is getting late.”   As she just continues dancing, he looks confused.  Then a look of sudden insight appears on his face, “Five,” he says to himself.  He turns on his radio, and it too is playing “All Right Now.”  The man goes to his window and starts dancing as he watches his lady friend continue stepping.  “Five, yeah,” he says as he makes the “okay” sign with his thumb and forefinger.  He waves again.  Everyone in the apartment building is dancing by their window to “All Right Now.”  A super appears on the screen: “Are you on the right wavelength ?”


Questions :


Question. 1. What is Non-Verbal Communication? Why Do You Suppose That This Commercial Relies Primarily on Non-Verbal Communication Between a Young Man and a Gorgeous Woman? What Types of Non-Verbal Communication Are Being Used in This Case?


Answer:   Non-Verbal Communication refers to the transmission of messages or information without the use of words. This includes body language, facial expressions, gestures, and other physical actions that convey meaning.

Why the Commercial Relies on Non-Verbal Communication:

  • Simplicity and Universality: Non-verbal communication can transcend language barriers, making the message accessible to a broader audience.
  • Emotional Appeal:


Question. 2. Would Any of the Non-Verbal Communications in This Spot (Ad) Not Work Well in Another Culture?


Answer:   Yes, some non-verbal communications might not translate well across different cultures. For example:

  • Gestures: The “okay” sign made with the thumb and forefinger could have different meanings or connotations in various cultures, sometimes even being offensive.
  • Facial Expressions: Cultural norms around expressing emotions can vary, so the level of enthusiasm or the way emotions are displayed might not resonate universally.
  • Dancing: While dancing is a universal activity, its context and social acceptability can differ by culture, potentially affecting how the interaction is perceived.


Question. 3. What Role Does Music Play in This Spot? Who Is the Target Market?


Answer:   Role of Music:

  • Mood Setting: The upbeat 1970s tune “All Right Now” creates a lively and engaging atmosphere that enhances the ad’s fun and carefree mood.
  • Connection and Synchronization: Music serves as a common element that synchronizes the characters’ actions, symbolizing their connection and shared enjoyment.
  • Brand Association: The use of a catchy and memorable song helps in reinforcing the brand’s message



Question. 4. Is the Music at All Distracting from the Message?


Answer:   No, the music is not distracting; instead, it enhances the message. The song helps unify the visual




Question. 5. How Else Are Radio Stations Advertised on TV?


Answer:   Other Methods of Advertising Radio Stations on TV:

  • On-Air Personalities: Featuring popular DJs or radio hosts in TV ads can attract their fan base to tune into the station.
  • Behind-the


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  1. 3




Arvind Pandey is a project manager at Al Saba Construction Company in Muscat.   It s a flourishing company with several construction projects in Muscat and abroad.  It is known for completing projects on time and with high quantity construction.  The company’s Chairman is a rich and a highly educated Omani.  A German engineer is Arvind’s Vice – President for urban and foreign construction projects.

Three months ago, Al Saba had submitted a tender for a major construction project in Kuwait.  Its quotation was for $ 25 million.  In Kuwait the project was sponsored and announced by a US – based construction company called Fuma.  According to Al Saba, their bid of $ 25 million was modest but had included a high margin of profit.

On 25 April, Arvind was asked to go to Kuwait to find out from the Fuma project manager the status of their construction proposal.  Arvind was delighted to know that Fuma had decided to give his company.  (Al Saba) the construction project work.  The project meant a lot of effort and money in planning the proposed construction in Kuwait.

But before Arvind could tank the Fuma project manager, he was told that their bird should be raised to $ 28 million.  Arvind was surprised. He tried to convince the Fuma project manager that his (Arvind company had the bast reputation for doing construction work in a cost effective way .  However, he could always raise the bid by $ 3 million. But he wanted to know why he was required to do so.

The Fuma manager’s reply was, “That’s the way we do our business in this part of the world, $ 1 million will go to our Managing Director in the US, I shall get $ 1 million, you, Mr. Pandey, will get $ 1 million in a specified account in Swiss Bank.

Arvind asked, “ But why me ?”

“ So that you never talk about it to any one.”  The Fuma Project Manager said.

Arvind promised never to  leak it out to any one else.  And he tried to bargain to raise the bid by $ 2 million.  For. Arvind was familiar with the practice of “ pay – offs” involved in any such thing.  He thought it was against his loyalty to his company and his personal ethics.

Arvind promised the Fuma project manager that the bid would be raised to $ 28 million and fresh papers would be put in. He did not want to lose the job.

He came back to Muscat and kept trying to figure out how he should place the whole thing before his German Vice President.  He obviously was at a loss.


Questions :


Question. 1. Analyze the Reasons for Arvind Pandey’s Dilemma


Answer:   Arvind Pandey faces a complex dilemma involving multiple factors:

  1. Ethical Conflict: Arvind is being asked to participate in a bribe or “pay-off,” which conflicts with his personal ethics and professional integrity. The demand for a bribe represents a moral and ethical challenge for him.
  2. Company Loyalty: On one hand, Arvind feels a strong sense of loyalty to his company, Al Saba




Question. 2. Does Arvind Pandey Really Face a Dilemma?


Answer:   Yes, Arvind Pandey does face a genuine dilemma. The situation involves a conflict between competing values:

  • Ethical Standards vs. Professional Advancement: He is torn between upholding his ethical standards and the potential for career advancement and financial gain that the project

Question. 3. In Your View, What Should Arvind Pandey Do? Should He Disclose It to His German Vice President?


Answer:   What Arvind Should Do:

  1. Reject the Bribe: Arvind should firmly reject the bribe and not engage in any illegal or unethical practices. Upholding personal and professional integrity is crucial, regardless of the pressures or temptations he faces.
  2. Disclose to His German Vice President: Yes, Arvind should disclose the entire situation to his German Vice President. Transparency is essential in maintaining ethical standards and addressing the issue appropriately within the company. The Vice President needs to be


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  1. 4.



A computer company was negotiating a very large order with a large size corporation.  They had a very good track record with this client.


In this corporation, five different departments had pooled their requirements and budgets.  A committee was formed which had representation from all the departments.  The corporation wanted the equipment on a long lease and not outright purchase.  Further, they wanted all the hardware and software form one supplier.  This meant that there should be bought – out items from many suppliers since no one supplier could meet all the requirements of supply from its range of products.


The corporation provided an exhaustive list of very difficult terms and conditions and pressurized the vendors to accept.  The computer company who was finally awarded the contract had agreed to overall terms that were fine as far as their own products were concerned but had also accepted the same terms for the brought – out items.  In this case, the bought – out items were to be imported through a letter of credit. The percentage of the bought – out items versus their own manufacture was also very high.  One of the terms accepted was that the “system” would be accepted over a period of 10 days after all the hardware had been linked up and software loaded.


The computer company started facing trouble immediately on supply.  There were over 100 computers over a distance connected with one another with software on it.  For the acceptance tests, it had been agreed that the computer company would demonstrate as a pre-requisite the features they had claimed during technical discussions.


Now, as you are aware, if a Hero Honda motorcycle claims 80 km to a litre of petrol, it is under ideal test conditions and if a motorcycle from the showroom were to be tried for this test before being accepted, it would never pass the test.  In corporation’s case, due to internal politics, the corporation persons from one department – who insisted on going exactly by the contract – did not sign acceptance since the “ system” could not meet the ideal test conditions.


Further, in a classic case of, “ for want of a horse – shoe, payment for the horse was held up”, the computer company tried to get the system accepted and payment released.  The system was so large that at any point of time over a period of 10 days something small or the other always gave problems.  But the corporation took the stand that as far as they were concerned the contract clearly were concerned the contract clearly mentioned that the “system” had to be tested as a whole and not module by module.




Questions :


Question. 1. Comment on the Terms and Conditions Placed by the Corporation


Answer:   The terms and conditions imposed by the corporation reflect a high level of specificity and control but also present several challenges:

  1. Complexity and Rigidity: The exhaustive list of terms and conditions indicates a highly detailed and rigid approach to contract negotiation. While this can help ensure that all requirements are met, it also makes the agreement more challenging to execute, especially when dealing with complex systems involving multiple suppliers.
  2. Acceptance Criteria: The requirement that the system be accepted only after all hardware is linked and software loaded over a 10-day period places a significant burden on the computer company. This condition implies that the entire system must function perfectly as a whole before any part of it is accepted, which is demanding for any large-scale




Question. 2. What Factors Influenced the Computer Company’s Decision to Accept the Contract?


Answer:   Several factors likely influenced the computer company’s decision to accept the contract:

  1. Good Track Record: The company had a strong relationship with the client, which could have encouraged them to accept challenging terms in the hope of maintaining or strengthening this relationship.
  2. Large Order: The size and value of the contract likely represented a significant opportunity for revenue and business growth, making the company more willing to accept the difficult terms to secure the deal.





Question. 3. Was It a Win-Win Agreement? Discuss


Answer:   The agreement does not appear to be a classic win-win scenario. Here’s why:

  1. Computer Company’s Position:
    • Challenges: The computer company faces significant challenges due to the complex terms and conditions, including the burden of meeting high acceptance standards and


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  1. 5



Mr. R P Sinha is a MBA.  He is being interviewed for the position of Management Trainee at a reputed company.  The selection committee’s is chaired by a lady Vice – President.  Mr. Sinha’s interview was as follows :

Committee : Good morning !

Mr. Sinha : Good morning to Sirs and Madam !

Chairperson : Please, sit down.

Mr. Sinha : Thank you (sits down at the edge of the chair, keeps his portfolio on the table)

  1. Chairperson : You are Mr. R. P. Sinha

A Sinha : Yes, Madam.  This is how I am called.

  1. Chairperson : You have passed MBA with 1st Division.
  2. Sinha : Yes, Madam.
  3. Chairperson : Why do you want to work in our organization ?

A Sinha : It is just like that.  Also, because it has good reputation.

  1. Member A : This job is considered to be quite stressful. Do you think you can manage the stress involved.
  2. Sinha : I think there is too much talk about stress these days. Sir, would you tell clearly what you mean by stress ? I am very strong for any stress.
  3. Member B : What are your strengths ?
  4. Sinha : Sir, who am I talk boastfully about my strengths. You should tell me my strengths.
  5. Member C : What are your weaknesses ?
  6. Sinha : I become angry very fast.
  7. Member A : Do you want to ask us any questions ?

A Sinha : Yes Sir !  What are the future chances for one who starts as a management trainee ?

The member tells M. Sinha the typical career path for those starting as Management Trainee.  The Chairperson thanks Mr. Sinha.  Mr. Sinha promptly says in reply, “you are welcome,” and comes out.



Questions :

Question. 1. Evaluate Mr. Sinha’s Responses to Various Questions

Answer:   Q: Why do you want to work in our organization?

Mr. Sinha’s Response: “It is just like that. Also, because it has a good reputation.”




Question. 2. Rewrite the Responses to Make Them More Effective

Answer:   Q: Why do you want to work in our organization?

Rewritten Response: “I am very impressed by your company’s reputation for innovation and commitment to employee development. Your recent projects in sustainable technology particularly align with my interests and career goals. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to and learn from such a forward-thinking organization.”


Question. 3. General Impression of Mr. Sinha’s Performance

Answer:    Observations:


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